IEEE PES Day was created in 2018 as a new platform to engage the IEEE Power & Energy Society members with our organization’s history and vision: “More Power to the Future.” The name was chosen in respect of the day that ‘Power Engineering Society’ changed its name to the ‘Power & Energy Society’ on April 22, 2008. Since then, every year, IEEE PES members and volunteers celebrate IEEE PES Day during the entire month of April.

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BASIX – Session 4 (Basics of Raspberry Pi)

BASIX was an informative session on technical know-how on the topic "Basics of Raspberry Pi". The target of the event was to provide the participants a basic knowledge about the working of Raspberry Pi and its applications therefore making them familiar with their field and helping them to understand its relevance. The speaker of the event was Mr. Issac Thomas Varghese, Immediate Past Chair of IEEE CS SBC CEA.

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Information Session on IEEE PES Day

On the 19th April 2023, IEEE SB CEA with IEEE PES SBC CEA conducted an Information Session about PES Day, 2023 at College of Engineering, Adoor. The theme of the 6th IEEE PES Day was "Powering a Climate Safer Future". The session was taken by Mr. Kevin P, previous year IEEE PES chairman. The session was successfully conducted with the active participation of PES volunteers, IEEE volunteers and also non IEEE students.

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BLOOM was an interactive seminar session based on Drones. The target behind the event was in giving a good overview of the working of a drone as well its underlying principles while evoking an interest in Engineering in the students.

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The fourth talk of WOW 3.0, a session organised by IEEE PES KERALA CHAPTER in association with IEEE Women in Power Kerala, IEEE R10 PES Women in Power, IEEE Women in Engineering and IEEE PES SBC CEA was conducted on 28 November 2022 via online mode. The Speaker of the session was Ms.Shalini Nair,Co-Founder and Board Director at Ennoventure Inc.The session focused on putting into discussion the topic Women Representation in STEM.

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IEEE PES SBC CEA in association with IEEE PES Kerala Chapter conducted 'EXPEDITA', an Industrial Visit at 2 MW ANERT Solar Power Plant, Kuzhalmannam, Palakkad on the 21st of October 2022.

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In view of IEEE Day 2022, IEEE SB CEA conducted IEEE Day Celebrations on 14th October 2022 at IHRD Technical Higher Secondary School, Adoor. An overview of the activities of IEEE was put forward to the school students to promote them to take part in the advancing of technology. As the theme for IEEE Day 2022 was "Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow", it was decided that this could be best achieved by engaging and motivating the future engineers.