28 November 2022

The fourth talk of WOW 3.0, a session organised by IEEE PES KERALA CHAPTER in association with IEEE Women in Power Kerala, IEEE R10 PES Women in Power, IEEE Women in Engineering and IEEE PES SBC CEA was conducted on 28 November 2022 via online mode. The Speaker of the session was Ms.Shalini Nair,Co-Founder and Board Director at Ennoventure Inc.The session focused on putting into discussion the topic Women Representation in STEM.
The talk began with a welcome address by Dr. Nafeesa K,Women in Power Coordinator of IEEE PES Kerala Chapter.After introducing herself,Ms.Shalini Nair gave an elaborated session on the topic. She discussed how today’s scenario is different from past years and shared some of her experiences working as an entrepreneur. She listed out some points that influence women’s participation in the STEM field. The session was an interactive one and at each point of her class she asked the participants to share their views.
At the end of the webinar, the participants actively participated in the Q&A session and the speaker answered all the questions that were asked. Mr. Sujith Kumar A,Chair IEEE SB CEA offered his felicitations at the end of the session. The session ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. Kevin P,Chair IEEE PES SBC CEA.