Self Confidence
24 October 2021

As a part of LEAP ( ‘Live Learn Lead’), a Membership Development Initiative by IEEE PES Kerala Chapter for all the IEEE PES SBCs in Kerala, the IEEE PES SBCs of NITC, CEA, GECI, CCE in association with Women in Power jointly organized a Webinar on Self Confidence.
The speaker of the webinar was Dr. Ruomei Li, Chair of WIP, IEEE PES. The event was held online through the Cisco Webex meetings app and saw the participation of almost 46 students from different colleges and universities.
The target behind the event was in bringing in a clear picture of what self confidence is and its necessity in our daily life.
Miss Jenil Johnson welcomed the speaker. After introducing herself Dr Ruomei Li talked about various topics related to self confidence. She explained how it affects our opportunities in our career and the paths that are made available to us by Self-confidence.
She also explained how one can overcome key issues for seizing opportunities. She shared her idea of the way towards success by using the words of two personalities namely Shay Bahramirad, President-Elect of IEEE PES, and Khayakazi Dioka, CIGRE WIE Chair, ESCOM South Africa.
To inspire the students and to make them self-confident she has shared the various aspects of her life which were very encouraging and inspiring. Every participant got an idea to find the path toward success from the Webinar.