Environment Week Celebration
22 June 2022

Venue: College of Engineering, Adoor
Date : 21 June 2022
Time: 4.30 PM
IEEE SB CEA and IEEE PES SBC CEA in collaboration with IEEE PES Kerala Chapter organized a ‘Plant a sapling drive’ and an ‘Oath taking ceremony’ as a part of Environment week celebration initiative on the 21th of June, 2022.
The meeting had the presence of Dr. Jayachandran E S, (Professor and HOD ECE Department and Student Branch Counselor IEEE SB CEA). Dr. John George (Professor and HOD EEE Department and IEEE PES SBC CEA Advisor) also graced his indispensable presence for the event. The meeting began by taking an oath affirming that we will live sustainably in harmony with nature and will avoid anything that harms Earth. Signifying the importance of planting trees for a sustainable future, the students conducted a ‘planted a sapling’ initiative. The aim and vision for conducting the Environment Week Celebration Initiative was conveyed to each student present for the event.