24 December 2021

BLOOM was an interactive seminar session based on Drones. It was conducted in College of Engineering Adoor on 3rd December and in IHRD Technical Higher Secondary School on 24th December.The speaker of the event was Mr. Flemin K Sony, Secretary IEEE RAS SBC CEA. Mr. Flemin is an expert in flying drones as well as in building them. He has in-depth knowledge about drones, hence he was the perfect speaker for the event.
The various components of a drone were shown to the participants and their working was also explained in great detail. A live demonstration of the flying of a drone was also conducted. The target behind the event was in giving a good overview of how a drone works as well its underlying engineering principles. Another aim of the event was to evoke an interest in engineering for pre-university students.
3rd December:
Mr. Kevin P Vice Chair, IEEE PES SB CEA gave the welcome speech for the event. Dr. K Sunil Kumar Principal of College of Engineering Adoor gave the inaugural address for the event. Then Dr. John George, Branch Counsellor IEEE SB CEA gave a felicitation for the event. Mr Flemin K Sony first introduced himself and talked about some of his achievements in life relating to drones. He was able to build a good rapport with the students and he also motivated them to learn more about engineering principles.
He first gave an overview of drones and explained the different types of drones as well as their uses. Then he went on to explain the structure of an aerofoil and the aerodynamics related to it. He explained how a drone flies and the various mechanisms involved with it, through an animated video.
He explained the orientation of the propellers of a drone. He explained the main components of a drone: Frame, Propeller, Brushless Motor, Electronic speed controller, Flight controller, Transmitter and receiver and Lithium-Polymer battery. While teaching the students he gave some of the parts of a drone to all the students so they could get a better understanding. He showed a schematic diagram of a drone and explained how all the components work together to make the drone fly.
At the end of the event the participants actively participated in the Q&A session and the speaker answered all the questions which were asked. The students had got a general idea about how they themselves could build a drone. A live demonstration of a drone was conducted by Mr. Flemin at the end. The event was a great success and got great positive feedback from the students who attended the session. Mr. Flemin was able to motivate the students to follow their interest in engineering as well. The session ended with Mr. Jerrin Mathew George, Secretary IEEE PES SBC CEA giving the vote of thanks.
24th December:
BLOOM was conducted in the IHRD Technical Higher Secondary School Adoor on 24th December with the aim to give pre-university students an insight into the engineering world.
Mr. Kevin P gave an introductory speech. Then Mr. Flemin introduced himself to the students. Mr. Flemin first talked about the different types of drones and their uses. Then he explained the key terms that are generally used when talking about drones. He then went on to explain the underlying engineering principles in a drone. He explained it using science that they learnt in their high school so they could better understand it. Mr. Flemin then explained that an engineer is concerned with fixing problems that are present around them. He showed the many ways by which drones can be used to solve the problems earlier mentioned. He told them one such example which he had conceptualized and presented in a competition during his high school. Hence he was also able to show the importance of taking opportunities as well.
The components of a drone were explained next. Most parts of a drone were given to each student when Mr. Flemin was explaining that particular component, so they could have hands-on experience. He explained each component and also cleared the doubts the students had. Towards the end Mr. Flemin showed a schematic diagram of a drone. The students were able to explain the working of each component and how they all work together, when Mr. Flemin had asked.
At the end of the event a student was called upon to give their feedback. The response from the student was overwhelmingly positive. The student responded that he was very excited about drones and that he had well understood what was taught. He was also eager to see what the future holds for drone technology.
At the end, a live demonstration of a drone was also conducted in the ground area of the high school. The students were very excited to see it.
Throughout the event Mr. Flemin was able to maintain a great rapport with the students, making the event as interactive as possible. He was able to inspire the students and also show them the transition from theory to practice. The event was well received and it was very beneficial for the students.